4 Steps to Get the Recruiting Job You Really Want

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4 Steps to Get the Recruiting Job You Really Want

Recruiters can be candidates, too.  Remember, finding a job you really want is hard!

You’re an extremely valuable premium product in the highly paid search industry. You’re in demand!

If you haven’t changed jobs in a while, you might have forgotten what your best candidates know. Use these four steps to get the recruiting job you really want:

  1. Don’t Submit to Job Boards (at least, not without a Strategy)

Many recruiters instruct their candidates to avoid job boards.

Miracles happen, but using job boards is an inefficient way to find a great new recruiting job.

Although it’s tempting to imagine that your perfect new job is just waiting for you in an online want-ad, it’s unlikely for many reasons.

It’s improbable that the actual hiring manager is reviewing your submission. A junior researcher or recruiter usually performs this task, and your great experience may be overlooked. You may be late to the party and finalist candidates may be in process.

If you’re still tempted to use to job boards:

  • Develop contacts at the prospective employer beforehand (to directly present your resume), or
  • Follow-up your resume submission into the ATS black hole. Consider calling the CEO’s office, once, especially if he or she publishes a direct number on the firm’s website.

àRealize that you probably won’t reach the CEO by phone. You may reach an assistant or, in the best case, voice mail. Prepare to leave a compelling message. Expect to hear from someone in the firm within a few days to one week.

  1. Do Entice the Prospective Employer

Recruiting firms are in business to make a profit.

If the prospective employer needs experienced recruiters in your area of specialization, prepare to get a foot in the door.

Before you pick up the phone to anyone at the prospective recruiting consultancy, ask yourself “What incredible added value can I bring to this recruiting company?” Write down your answer, then:

Clearly and precisely explain your value-added proposition. If you can bring new business to the prospective employer, say so:

“Mr. or Ms. CEO, one or more of my clients has search contracts to be executed. I believe your firm’s reputation as _______ makes it a great execution partner.”

Or, “Mr. or Ms. CEO, I am an experienced retained search professional. My business plan summary is calibrated to deliver $____ in the next 12 months. I understand you’re adding recruiting strength in this sector.”

  1. Do Some Research

Research is the recruiter’s most valuable currency.

Demonstrate this important skill, whether you’re a business developer, recruiter or research associate.

Let’s say you know that the prospective employer downsized last year. The firm now needs to replenish recruiting staff as its clients sign new hiring contracts.

Yes! This is definitely great information for your job search and, to increase your chances of getting an interview, learn what percentage of the prospective employer’s revenues are generated in your field of specialty.

For instance, if you’re a financial services recruiter who specializes in private equity searches, know what percentage of the financial services’ team budget is derived from private equity clients.

Better yet, which private equity firms do business with the prospective employer now? Then:

  • Find the sweet spot in your experience and propose it.
  • If the prospective employer firm wants more private equity clients, or specifically, a type of private equity client, you may be the “MVP” they’re looking for.

“Always be closing.” Ask for the meeting. If you call the CEO and get his or her voice mail, leave a short and succinct reason for the call. “I have private equity search assignments to execute and know that I can add value to your team.”

  1. Do Sweat the Details

The devil is in the details. Commit the name of your hiring manager to memory.

It’s possible to do everything right in your job search and not get the offer.

Your bold steps to engage leadership have led you to the door of the ultimate hiring manager (or its team of decision-makers).

You made a great impression at each step along the way…

How can you possibly not get the job?

Don’t fail to prepare for the meeting.

Recruiters coach others about how to interview. It’s essential that you thoroughly prepare to interview now.

  • Before an interview, commit responses to basic questions, e.g. “Tell me about yourself” or “What do other people say about you?” to memory.
  • Then, tailor responses to the internal language of the prospective employer.
  • Read the job description with care to discover some of it or, even better, prepare for the meeting with your recruiter.

For example, if the employer is looking for a subject matter expert (SME) with the ability to execute service level agreements (SLAs), introduce this team-familiar terminology into your response to the hiring manager.

Regardless of how the hiring manager asks for the information, your short, concise responses are a career-winning strategy.

Don’t fail to prepare for a Zoom or similar video call.

A bad Zoom call can kill your candidacy.

After one or more telephone meetings, you may be invited to Zoom or, in some areas, visit the hiring manager’s office.

As a recruiter, you may have interviewed hundreds of prospective candidates by Zoom:

  • Did you notice if the candidate dressed for success?
  • Did he or she sit comfortably and seem to look straight into your eyes?
  • Did your candidate appear in focus or was the image blurry?
  • Was the call a technical success? Were the lags, echoes or the like? If so, did the interview continue by phone or did it end there?

That’s why you must consider the quality of your Zoom call. Your prospective employer will evaluate your Zoom presence!

Don’t Fail to remember the hiring manager’s name or position in the company.

Do commit the hiring manager’s name to memory!

Recruiters know that calling the hiring manager by a name other than their own is unacceptable:

  • Nothing is more personal than the name of your prospective hiring manager. He or she took the time to learn your name, and you should do the same.
  • Your deliverables are on display. When communicating in writing with him or her, double-check the accuracy of the recipient’s name and title as well as your message’s contents.

Recruiters as Candidates

It’s a great time to be a professional recruiter. Use the above four steps to get the recruiting job you want. When possible, use warm connections and the services of an experienced professional recruiter to help you streamline the process of finding a new job.

Donna Rodgers is an executive recruiter and freelance writer in the global financial services industry. With more than 20 years’ experience, she is a subject matter expert in the global financial markets. As a working consultant, she understands the particular jobs, processes, functions and organizations in finance, banking, asset management, capital markets, real estate, digital assets, and so-called alternative investing. She assists clients in achieving corporate performance improvements and solving certain problems, e.g. improving efficiencies or increasing sales.

By Donna Rodgers